Thursday, January 19, 2017

Counting My Blessings

Well, I'm counting my blessings, for sure. Our pipes burst last night, and we had to have our water shut off by the city (at the street... 'cause of our irrigation system), as well as at the house. Ugh. We called a plumber and were told that we would be put on a waiting list.  Super Ugh.  Long story short... I managed to land an amazing plumbing company that got the job done this afternoon... and, we now have water!  Yay! 
So,  I  am barely reaching my goal of posting each day... but here it is!  Sweet Snuddle Anya from The Greeting Farm.  Counting her blessings... a comfy chair, soft kitty, good book, and a beautiful mug of java!!  Hope your day is filled with blessings as well!  'Till next time!  :)
Copics Used:
Skin:  E000 E00 E11 R00 R20
Hair:  YR31 YR12 YR27 E39
Shirt:  G99 YG97 YG95 YG93 YG91
Barret/Shorts:  E39 B99 B97 B95 B93
Slippers:  E50 E81 E84 BV20 R00 R30 R32
Mug:  R35 R46 R89 E23 E25 E29, Wink of Stella Gold
Chair:  YR30 Y32 YR31 Y26 BV20 E21 E18 E39
Kitty:  R02 W4 W6 E50 Y32

1 comment:

  1. OMGosh Tracey! You didn't tell me about the pipes bursting, ugh! I know how awful it is to be without water so I'm really glad to hear you found a good plumber to get you up and running again. :)
    Your Snuddle scene is absolutely perfect, I want to be her lounging with a good book and her sweet kitty right now!
